Welcome to BakeClub
We’re a new friendly alternative provision for students aged 10-14 in North Norfolk who are struggling with high anxiety.
We offer placements for one day a week from half a term up to a full academic year, designed to re-ignite students’ confidence and enjoyment of learning through cooking, baking and socializing together.
07736 035319
Our Services
Alternative Provision Short-Term placement
A short-term six week placement aimed a building a student’s self-confidence and engagement with learning through a range of baking, cooking and social opportunities. The first session is always free.
Available Spaces: Fridays in Hunstanton.
Alternative Provision Long-Term placement
From £2,760
A longer two- or three-term placement for students who know they enjoy working with us and want to participate for longer.
Longer term AP students will achieve their Basic Food Hygiene certificate and work towards a Level 1 qualification in Hospitality and Catering. Often comes after an initial short-term placement.
Available Spaces: Fridays in Hunstanton.
Services to Schools
From £150
We are a team of qualified SENCOs and highly experienced TAs who have worked in a range of settings across different age ranges.
Contact us to discuss how we can support your students on your school site, from 1:1 mentoring to running BakeClub as an after-school provision to re-engage students struggling with EBSNA and wellbeing.
We also offer;
Access Arrangements testing for GCSE
New SENCO mentoring
SEN provision audits
Forest School
Who we are
Hi! I’m Kate, the founder of BakeClub.
I’ve worked as a teacher in primary and high schools for more than twenty years, and have spent the last nine as a secondary school SENCO in North Norfolk. I understand how overwhelming the school environment and the pressures of mainstream can be, and how an increasing number of families are searching for alternatives. I founded BakeClub to fill the need for a safe, friendly and welcoming alternative provision for anxious students in our local area.
I’m the first person you’re likely to meet or talk to when you contact BakeClub.
Contact Us
Like the sound of us and want to find out more?
We’re not great by phone as we’re usually teaching so please leave us a voicemail or, even better, fill in the contact form here and we’ll respond by email as soon as we can.
If you want to go straight ahead and refer a young person for an Alternative Provision place, please use the Make a Referral button at the top of the page.